Introduced in 1941 by Fred Arbogast, the Hula Popper revolutionized Topwater Fishing. Although this lure seem like a relic, it still remains on of the top poppers of all time. In fact, it’s one of my favorite, and most productive lures for fishing in cover.
How to Fish a Hula Popper
The lure is fished by casting it into cover (vegetation) and then slowly jerking it back to make its patented popping sound. When I cast, I usually let the Popper hit the water and then I wait at least 10 seconds or so before I start the retrieve. I’ve had numerous bass strike immediately when the lure hits the water, so give it at least a couple of seconds.
The best time to fish a Hula Popper seems to be during the warm summer months and all the way through fall. While the lures can be effective at anytime of day, I often have the best luck early in the morning or right before sunset into the early evening hours.
The Hula Popper in Action